Brand mission: what is it and how it can drive business success

Irrespective of the business niche, brands need to define their mission and brand vision appropriately to create outrage for the audience and increase their online reputation in the digital market. The level of competition has skyrocketed over the past few years, and it will be even fiercer in the coming months.
While there used to be only a handful of businesses in the same industry or service line earlier, today countless of them compete with each other to prove their mettle. To stand out amongst such a huge crowd and present oneself as a unique entity, every brand needs to have a mission statement. Here is an example for you.
Without defining an appropriate mission statement, no brand can create that instant connection with the target audience, despite its advanced marketing strategies. Since it is imperative for the existence of modern-day businesses, here are some of the basic facts about a brand mission statement. From defining it in textual terms to explaining the steps in order to get the perfect statement, here is everything you should know and practice.
What is a brand mission?
This is the foremost thing that every business or company must be aware of. In simple words, it is a statement formulated to communicate with the target audience about some integral aspects of the brand, including its:
- Prime purpose
- Goals
- Objectives and
- The planned road map to serve the customers
Broadly speaking, it defines the action of the brand and allows the readers to curate an idea about your business functions and operations. The business statement also speaks volumes about the impact it wishes to have on the market.
Brand mission vs. other elements of your brand
Every brand mission statement needs to have a specified number of components to make the right impression as per the desire of the stakeholders and executives of the concerned organization. The words of an ideal business statement should
- Reflect on the business ideas
- Talk about the benefits the customer can enjoy
- State the dimensions of all products and services
Incorporating a huge manuscript into a couple of sentences is not a cakewalk. That is why you must ensure the presence of all the components in the statement without fail. Notice how the world-famous brands have projected their mission statement in the image below:
In this following section, we have described the main five components an experienced branding company in Dubai would always incorporate into the mission statement to make it impactful and strong.
1. Brand Mission Statement
Your brand’s mission statement needs to be highly focused and pinpointed. Any vagueness or fluff in the statement will indirectly create a bad impression that you are simply trying to impress others with words. Instead, it needs to be weighed so that you can reach out to the target audience and present yourself as unique amongst the crowd. Besides, if your mission statement does not have material meaning, no one will understand what your business is all about.
As you draft your brand mission statement, here are a few questions to ask:
- How does the brand add value to its audience?
- Are all aspects of the organization consistent with the brand’s mission?
- How do you hope this help will make a significant difference?
- Are these goals actionable and realistic?
2. Clarity
The next component you should introduce in your brand’s mission statement is clarity about what you are trying to say or convey to the target audience. For example, if your product will bring a revolution in the food business, you should explain the type of change it can bring or the disruptive technology you have come up with. This will give your readers a clear picture of what your business stands for and what you are trying to achieve through that technology.
3. Emotional appeal
Every business needs to connect with its target audience at an emotional level. Customer choices and expectations define today’s market. If you do not pay more attention to their expectations and demands, you will find it a daunting task to outsmart your competitors and reach the level of success you desire. Therefore, it would be great to include terms or statements that will directly affect a person’s emotional thinking process.
4. Personification
Let’s say your business is about an eCommerce platform. No wonder, many other eCommerce businesses already have a successful and established market presence. If you want to take your business beyond that level, you have to present yourself as a unique entity. To do so, incorporating personification in your brand mission statement would be ideal. You have to delineate your company’s personality and specify that x-factor, which makes you stand apart in this huge market full of competitors. In short, your brand mission should talk about your USP and the way it is going to help your customers.
5. Longevity
The last component you have to exclude is longevity. Whenever a customer searches for a refrigerator or maintenance service for his car, the first thing that comes to his mind is longevity, i.e., the time for which that particular product or service will last. No one wishes to invest in a product that ceases to promise them consistent performance and delivery in the future. Therefore, if you want your brand to get into the limelight, your mission statement must incorporate the vision for the future.
Writing a powerful and resonating mission statement
Writing a mission statement needs utmost precision, especially if your brand has not earned the desired market position yet. With no proper guidance, you can easily make mistakes, which might lead to your business’s downfall. Here we have curated a small brief about the exact process to write the most powerful and resonating mission statement for your brand. Hope it helps you out appreciably.
1. Brainstorm the important points
List down the points you want to include in the mission statement, like the purpose of your company, services or products you provide, USP that makes your brand unique, target audience, future goals and objectives, and so on.
2. Recall the core tenets of your business
Write down the core values of your company. They should directly relate to what the customers are expecting and must generate trust and reliability.
3. Emphasize How to achieve Brand Values
Based on the core values you have listed, your mission statement should contain a phrase or at least a complete sentence defining how you will achieve the values in the future.
4. Mention the goal of your brand
Always include the reason for your brand and the idea you have curated. For example, if you want to revolutionize the food business with your software, you must define the main purpose behind developing this application or website.
5. Make your goal sound realistic
Don’t promise the moon to your audience. Your brand mission must be realistic and attainable in the real world.
Read your statement repeatedly and ensure that it contains all the five components described here.
Brand owners should make sure that the curated mission statement meets the market expectations and clearly defines what their business is all about. It must be clear and have the emotional base to connect with the target audience. If any component is missing, your brand mission will fail. That’s why working with a renowned branding agency would always be a better choice since you will have professional and expert insights.
Approaching Puneet. ae, a reputed branding company in Dubai, would be a smart move in this regard. It has proven excellence in creating an indomitable brand identity for countless clients in the UAE and elsewhere across the globe. Feel free to connect the Best Branding Agency in Dubai with one of its representatives to help your company get strong brand recognition through its beneficial branding services.