Why do you need Personal Branding?
Everyone has a personal brand, whether they realize it or not. Have you ever searched for your brand on Google? What comes up? The initial impression most people will have of you will be based on these findings. Is it a decent one? Is your content consistent across Instagram, LinkedIn, and other social networking sites? Whether you’re going on dates or heading for a client meeting, chances are someone will look you up on Google to discover more about you. Do you want to let your internet image dictate the way you are perceived? Probably not. Then how do you design your own image?
A well-executed personal branding strategy will highlight your abilities while also pointing them in the right path where you can apply those abilities well.
The answer is personal branding. Whether you are a business owner or an employee, this is something that you must consider.

Personal branding has grown increasingly important as a result of the rise of social media and the gig economy.
The concept of “personal branding” has been around for quite some time. But, because individuals are spending more time browsing and sharing intriguing personal updates across their numerous social media profiles, it may appear to be a relatively recent phenomenon. Before social networking sites, everyone had their own brand, but it was less visible, recorded on a tidy one-page CV. Celebrities, authors, and entertainers used to be the only ones who could brand themselves to the general public. But now, with social media, everybody can be their own brand.
So, what is personal branding?
Your brand is an attempt to encourage people to connect you with particular traits, just like consumers trust McDonald’s to offer cheap and hearty food.
Your brand is, at its essence, your image; how others perceive you. Everyone has a personal brand whether they like it or not, but not everyone’s personal brand is built to be a competitive advantage.
Consider a well-known star, such as Michael Jordan, one of the most famous sportsmen of modern times. For some, his personal brand may be that of a dominant athlete who is recognized for his iconic shoes. Others may have something else in mind, but most people are familiar with Michael Jordan.
Consider someone less well-known, such as your buddy John. John may be a kind person, but getting to know him takes some time. Even if John is the type of guy who would aid a stranger, a stranger will not come to John for assistance. In essence, John’s name does not precede him. His personal brand isn’t yet an asset, but it has the potential to be.
Why is personal branding essential for your company?
The advantages of personal branding are immense for everyone in a business, from the most entry-level employee to the most senior CEO. For starters, it’s a cost-free method to use your employees’ collective strength in your favour. Consider the employee who has a respectable image on LinkedIn and tweets as a technical expert on his subject matter frequently. Not only has the person’s reputation been established, but there is also a favourable, natural link your firm.
Moreover, refined personal branding can provide organic possibilities for your firm to distribute its identity to an engaged audience. From invitations to speaking on prominent panels to a surge of new business prospects, your staff will benefit. Personal branding isn’t about pushy sales. If done correctly, it can work tirelessly in the background on your behalf.
Here’s a breakdown of all the advantages of investing in a sophisticated personal brand identity:
1.) Instils trust
A personal brand describes a person’s or a company’s principles and character.
As a result, establishing a personal brand establishes clear and authentic objectives, both of which are important aspects in building trust.
A personal brand may help build trust among co-workers and make individuals feel more at ease at work.
2.) Establishes a bond
Personal branding aids in the formation of relationships between people from various professions and specialties. Once you establish your reputation, you will be able to attend more conferences and meetings. This will increase your network, helping you spread the word about your company to a larger audience, without even intending to.
3.) Establish credibility
Personal branding helps you position yourself as a popular figure and subject matter expert in his or her field of expertise. A person’s name will be followed by respect, admiration, and trustworthiness. And if your employees are credible, so is your company.
4.) Develop Self-Belief
Individuals acquire confidence as their brand develops. Their good traits and strengths, which they communicate in public venues, will help them develop assurance. People’s self-esteem will rise when they understand they have something valuable to contribute.
A well-executed personal branding strategy will highlight a person’s abilities while also pointing them in the right path where he/she can apply those abilities well.
5.) Helps to build authenticity
Personal branding enables a person to evolve through their conviction. Your personal brand is formed by the talents, ambitions, and ideals that a person holds. Good personal branding does not enable anyone to develop a made-up voice or a fictitious character but helps them own their quirks.
6.) Employee satisfaction
Employee satisfaction is improved by supporting a personal brand. Employees are often happy when they feel empowered by their bosses. Satisfied employees are more productive and are less inclined to leave. According to a survey of 800 managers, over 90 percent of “high achiever” employees quit their employment every 24 months. These people are always on the lookout for fresh possibilities. The lack of support for personal growth was cited by the majority of these employees as the primary cause of their discontent and desire to leave.
7.) Better customer outreach
When your workers are renowned thought leaders, prominent in the industry, or just regarded as competent and trustworthy specialists in their field, that favourable reputation may spread to your business. It has the potential to bring in new business while also assisting in the retention of existing customers. Not only that, but having a strong online presence for them that you help build and promote, such as social media accounts, blogs, and other material related to your company, broadens your marketing reach.
How to build a personal brand?
Step 1: Discover Your Uniqueness
Discovering your uniqueness is the first step in developing your own brand. Your manner of work, the way you communicate, your talents, how you serve others, your life story, your beliefs, or any other element of your life that distinguishes you. Essentially, your uniqueness is that one thing that distinguishes you. When you hire a professional, they help your employees navigate this.
Step 2: Defining Your Narrative
Storytelling is the second phase in brand building. Finding your individuality leads you on a path of self-discovery, which is where your narrative comes in. It’s critical to understand that your narrative may be told in a variety of ways. The goal is to make the tale relatable to your intended audience.
Let’s assume your backstory is that you grew up with diplomat parents and studied a variety of languages while touring the world. After that, you went to college and studied art history and comparative cultures before moving on to graphic design and illustration. You have a broad understanding of many cultures and artistic approaches, you live as a digital nomad, and you can speak fluently in a variety of languages.
You could do the following with this story:
As an illustrator, target children’s book authors and provide graphic design services to traveling health coaches. Sell illustration services for language learning applications on the internet. These may not even be the entirety of your role in the company but will enrich both your employer’s brand, as well as your own.
You will be more in tune with the job you perform if you utilize your life as part of your personal branding narrative. You may share your own experience in a variety of ways, including your own blog, YouTube videos, publishing a book, and always being honest and transparent.
Step 3: Create Your Personal Brand
It’s time to really develop the brand once you’ve established what makes you and your work shine, and that your story has a meaning.
In many situations, a person’s personal brand develops over time. As you advance in your profession, your personal brand might naturally develop. This is wonderful for some individuals, but if you’re just starting out in a competitive field, you’ll need to put in a little more effort. Graphic mood boards and a creative vision are fantastic places to start.
As your workers adopt the newest social media channels constantly introduced into the culture as additional methods to present themselves, personal branding will only grow. Employees are already brands on their own; it’s up to the employer to discover innovative ways to capitalize on this and turn it into a competitive advantage. If you found this interesting, have any questions, or would like to learn more, our Branding Agency in Dubai can help, please drop us a line at puneet.ae