The importance of original content for SEO
Writing original content for your blog posts is important to any quality SEO strategy. Google is all about providing users with ‘optimized’ and high-quality content. Previously, SEO users would duplicate previously written content using a technique known as spun content or duplicate content to change the content to have a specific ratio of uniqueness.
Among the countless pieces of content available over the internet, not all get similar types of responses. According to a study of approximately 1 billion web pages, over 90% of web pages receive no traffic from Google. That sum is unbelievable and explains why so many people struggle to keep their websites up to date.
One of the main reasons for such a difference is the originality of the contents. In order to stand out as unique, it is important to create original content. If you are already doing so, you are well on track. As per another study, about 58% of marketers opine that original content can outdo videos and other visuals. This further echoes the importance of original content for your business.

Why Original content is important for SEO
Are you still wondering whether original content is essential for SEO? The answer is a big ‘yes.’ Original content is highly important from the SEO point of view. Google and all the other search engines appreciate and reward originality. The main aim of Google is to deliver useful and valuable information to its users. Therefore, in order to enhance the ranking of your content on Google, your priority must be to write something useful for your target audience.
The content you offer must not be a duplicate copy of something already available on the internet. Instead, you must ensure its uniqueness, and alongside, it should be able to add more value to the existing information. In other words, you must write original content to rank high on Google. In addition, it should also appeal to potential readers alike.
Is your SEO strategy content rich?
Writing original content must be a part of your SEO strategy, as Google only recognizes original content. Moreover, its algorithm works in such a way as to bring only quality content to the top of the search results.
Earlier, people used to create duplicate content through the spun technique. It is all about taking up already existing content and twisting it in a way to make it look different and unique. Many might still be using this black hat technique. However, Google no longer accepts such content.
The upgraded Google algorithms eliminate duplicate and low-quality content from the search results. The search engine also punishes the website for using duplicate content by lowering its search engine rankings.
Therefore, if you want your content to rank high, crafting fresh, unique, and original content ought to be an integral part of your SEO strategy without any compromise.
What comes under original content?
Now that you know the importance of original content for SEO, you must be thinking about what Google actually counts as original content. These few pointers are worth knowing for the same:
- The main idea behind original content is to provide value to the readers.
- When your content shows proficiency in a topic and is unique, it comes under the original content category.
- Writing something about a completely new topic is definitely original content. However, it does not have to be new all the time.
- Writing about an already existing topic from a different angle or point of view is also original. Providing an overview of the existing information is also original content.
- At times, restructuring existing content in a proper format is original as well.
Tips to create original content
Coming up with original content may seem challenging at first. However, it is not! It may take time to create original content, but it is not an impossible task. Here are some of the effective tips that can help you in creating original content.
Know your target audience
When trying to write original content, the first and foremost step is to determine your target audience. It is not possible to write ideal content that gains the applause of the readers. It is because tastes and preferences differ from individual to individual. So, you need to identify a specific audience group to target.
Once you know your target audience, here is what you could do:
- Create the profile of these targeted audiences
- Note down their search intent
- Analyze their areas and topics of interest
- Know their preferences
This will enable you to take up interesting topics for your target audience and help to engage them better. Be aware that knowing your target audience is the key to crafting unique and original content.
Research other blogs and websites
Another way to create original content is to spend significant time doing research on your competitors’ websites, blogs, articles, etc. in your niches. Go through their blogs and articles and find out what is missing. Once you identify the missing areas, you can take up that topic and create original content. It will ensure that your content offers value to the readers, thereby enhancing your SEO rankings.
Try to provide solutions
Another excellent way of writing original content is by providing a solution to the common problems that your audiences are facing. While people have the perception that only products or services can solve the problems of individuals, content can do the same as well.
All you need to do is to identify the pain points or problems of your target audience. Create content in order to address the problem and provide appropriate solutions. When you provide a unique perspective on the problem, Google will count it as original content and help you rank highly.
Keywords and backlinks
Keywords comprise an important element of any content. Try to look for keywords that your target audience uses while searching on Google. Adding relevant content can enhance the quality as well as the value of your content. Moreover, backlinking can also increase the content’s authenticity and credibility. To drive more traffic, make sure to add high-quality links. At the same time, avoid adding too many links to your content.
Original content is highly important to rank high on the Google search engine. Now that you know how to create original content, enhancing your SEO ranking will be relatively easier. It would be good to leverage effective strategies and boost the SEO ranking of your content! If you are looking for a seasoned content writing specialist to assist your cause, you can always seek the services of the best Branding Agency in Dubai.